Our Mission
The 8 Ball Emergency Fund for Journalists
- active since the mid 1950's - is committed to helping Southern California journalists
including photojournalists in need.
We provide grants to broadcast, digital and print journalists who are directly involved in the editorial process and are currently working or have recently worked in Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside and Ventura Counties and now find themselves behind the eight-ball, having a hard time covering food, rent, medical and
other essential expenses.
Our financial aid helps journalists overcome temporary financial struggles by:
allowing working journalists to stay in our industry.
assisting those who have been laid off,
are recovering from illness,
or are recently retired.
With the wildfire crisis in Los Angeles, many in our industry have lost homes and possessions. All donations to the
8 Ball Emergency Fund go directly
to local journalists with pressing, temporary financial needs.
If you are a journalist in need, please reach out. ​
Applications are reviewed by our Board of Directors and grants are awarded confidentially on
a case-by-case basis.
Being a journalist is tough and we need to support each other. Please consider making a donation to the 8 Ball Emergency Fund for Journalists, to help a colleague in temporary financial need.
Our secondary mission, when funds are available, is to help journalism students at local colleges and universities. This is done in consultation with the various journalism departments. Please click on these links for Personal Grants or Journalism Student Grants or use the menu buttons above to learn more.
All of this is made possible by your donations... so please give what you can so that we can continue helping our fellow journalists and photojournalists.

Our History is in the Stars
Marilyn Monroe is among the entertainment industry's shining lights of the 1950s who came together to start what is now the 8 Ball Emergency Fund for Journalists, contributing money to help journalists recently laid off
and in financial need.
More than 65 years later, our organization is still helping journalism professionals - those who are active - and others seeking their next opportunity, ailing or recently retired. This website tells our story as we reach out
to help still others.
The 8 Ball Emergency Fund for Journalists Board of Directors
appreciates your support
through donations.